Life Moments

Weight Loss

Hey guys, 

Sorry I have been away for a while. Real life popped up and I have been one busy little lady. 

I thought I would take a minute and touch on a big theme in my life right now. Weight loss. Uggh, I know, I know. We all see the media shower too thin models rocking scant outfits, and think we are supposed to be there too. That isn’t what I have going on here.  

I am a big girl, have been for a long time. Even at my thinnest in college, when I was running two or more miles a day, I still had curves. I don’t want to lose those, and I am sure my lurve doesn’t want me to either. No, what I am talking about is weight loss for health. I noticed a few things happening, and they were really highlighted by moving to WA. I had zero cardio. Like try to walk up the stairs and be winded. Couldn’t go for a walk. Had a hard time physically getting off the couch. And for some one my age (30 if you must know), that was not okay. Before long I want a family, and being an active person makes me happy. But being almost 300 pounds I wasn’t sure where to start.  I had lost a good amount of weight in college, but that was over a hundred pounds, and almost ten years ago. It was then I realized I would need some help. 


I reached out to a few people, inquiring if they knew any good nutritionists. That is when I found Erika McKenzie at A Well Powered Life. I checked out her blog, and started to feel out if this would be a realtor ship that would work in my life. I needed support. I needed someone to keep me honest and on track, and ultimately to guide me down a path to a better me. And that really seems to be what Erika is all about. And so my first collaboration began!  We were able to work out a plan, that allows us to meet weekly over the phone and we talk about whatever we need to. Whether that is adding whole grains, dealing with unwanted weight gain, and how to keep pushing through. 

This is going to be a long slow adventure, but I thought seeing my journey might help someone else struggling. I know this post isn’t so much my normally sassy self, but you have to be serious some times, and it might as well be about your health. 


I plan to keep you posted on how this craziness goes, so I hope you all enjoy.  


Until next time, 
