My best friend texts me one night and says something along the lines of “Hey! I see you have been walking at work, want to come to Bloomsday with me and a few ladies? It is a fun walk, lots of people go…oh and it is like 7.5 miles.” Something must have addled my brain that day, cause I said “Sure! I would love to!”
When reality finally hit me the next day, I knew I would need a plan. I walk about a mile at work each day on my lunch, since I sit all day. I would push that up to two walks a day. And I would train with Tom and do longer walks on the weekend. It was going to be great.
It would have been, if I did any of that.
Instead, the week of the race I started to panic. I went on a few walks, but was feeling like this was never going to happen, and I would just have to cancel. Seeing as I had already paid for it though, I knew I was locked in.
Saturday before the race dawned, and I found myself driving to Ellensburg to meet up with the girls. We had a blast driving over to Spokane (that’s right folks, I traveled six ours to do this), found our seedy hotel, and had a great night of mall shopping and dinner. We totally had to carb up….. obviously…..

The next morning, we dressed, donned SPF, and headed down to the start line. Forty thousand people were pumped, ready to go, music blasting. And here I am, standing like a chump, who NEVER exercises, about to walk 7.5 miles. Folks, I was scarred out if my mind. The shirt said “positive mind, positive vibes” and I was going to have to embrace that to make it through the day.
What I didn’t count on we’re the ladies I was walking with. I couldn’t have asked for better. The first few miles I was doing good, keeping pace slowly behind them. It was about mile four that my body started to really struggle. I was getting water when I could, and trying to focus on the beauty of the landscape, and the camaraderie of the people around me.
That is when I saw it. Doomsday hill….

Seriously, this race would be tough on it’s own, I mean 7.5 miles, in 80 degree weather would be hard enough for most people. But whoever designed this thing must have had a sick sense of humor, because between miles four and five, there is a half mile of hill. See that picture there? Those little dots aren’t ants, those are people climbing that freaking hill. It isn’t shallow either. Those girls had to stop like four times before I made it up. And I wasn’t the only one. Many, many people tapped out around me, pulling over to sit on the side of the road. But I did it. Made it up the hill.
2.5 miles to go. These ladies walked this race like champs, smiles on their faces all the time. My head was dizzy, and I was feeling pretty sick but seeing them kept me moving, kept me trying. And you know what? I freaking MADE IT!!!! ALL TOLD WE WALKED 10.5 MILES THAT DAY. Even though they had to stop a million times, these girls pulled me through. Quite literally as I believe Erin drug me back in the bus at the end.

Here is what I learned:
1. You really should train for these things
2. You can do anything you set your mind to.
3. Keep yourself surrounded with amazing friends
For that race, through the blisters, sweat, and even tears, those girls kept me laughing and smiling. For that, I thank you!
I think in a few years I will try again, with a but more training of course.
Until next time,